Science invades.
Monday, August 23, 2010 @ Desert Plants

Desert plants are split up into 2 main categories, according to the way they adapt to survive drought.
some examples are as follows:

Seeds: a species of plants persist only as seeds, and germinates very quickly when rain falls. These drought evaders flower fast and produce another batch of seeds. When drought strikes, these flowers wither and die. Then, the new batch of seeds go through the same process.

Evolving: some desert plants evolve, or more commonly known as adapt, to the conditions. Some of these plants have thick, fleshy stems which are made to store water in case of drought. Not only is water stored in stems, but also the leaves. Leaves are sometimes shed so that the need for water is not so important. The roots also grow especially long so that they can stretch deep to find water sources. These plants are called drought resisters.

Perennials: perennials are plants that can thrive through dry seasons but still grow bigger. Of these plants, the succulents (known for their juiciness) are a small fraction of perennials.

An example of perennials is the night-blooming cerus.

Appearance: Cacti come in different shapes and sizes, ranging from 15cm to 1cm. Most of such cacti take up thick, cylindrical or spherical forms, which reduces the rate of transipiration. The surfaces of many of these plants are spiny, and a little bit like the accordion.

Roots: Many of the root systems in desert plants are widespread and shallow as only about 3% of the rain will penetrate the desert ground, and only to a certain level.

Leaves: Many desert plants resort to minute leaves to reduce to water loss by transpiration. The stems and twigs of a plant, paloverde (spanish for "green trunk") contain chlorophyll so that photosynthesis can take place and the plant can survive.

Adaptations: Most desert flora like Prickly Pears, Desert Holly and Brittlebush are examples of xerophytes. Xerophytes are plants that adapt to the conditions of a desert, for example, by having tap roots to penetrate to the water table if present.

Here is some pictures of a cactus planst adapting to the desert conditions with different plant parts.

the picture above shows how a cactus plants' leaves were reduced to needle-like structures so that during little water will be loss during transpiration. As it is extremely warm in the desert, the rate of transpiration is very high. Thus, the leaves adapt to the conditions by reducing themselves to spiny structures.

The picture of the cactus stem above is fleshy and juicy, so we can tell that its water content is high. When it is the rainy season in the desert, the cactus plant absorbs a lot of water and the excess is stored in different parts of the plant, and in this case the stem.

The roots of the cactus are long and stretch out wide and deep. The function of these roots is to find sources of water when water is hard to obtain. The roots absorb all the water, and the remaining excess water is stored in the respective area.

Source: Life In the Desert (plants in the sun)
wikipedia, google

Thursday, May 13, 2010 @ How Levers Work

This video shows how levers work.

@ First Class Lever

This video explains what a fist class lever is.

Monday, May 10, 2010 @
>Mechanical work done is actually the amount of energy by a force acting through a distance. If the force does not cause any movement of the object through a distance, it means that no work is done. Thus, we need to cause movement before any work is done. So, work done = force x distance moved through. :D

>There are S.I units for every other unit on this Earth. For example,

Unit of measurement: Name : Symbol

length : metre : m
mass : kilograms : kg
time : seconds : s
temperature : Kelvin : K

there are of course many more.

Thursday, April 22, 2010 @ Stiletto Heels.
What are Stiletto Heels?

In America, stiletto heels are called spike heels. is a long, thin heel found on some boots and shoes, usually for women. It is named after the stiletto dagger. Stiletto heels may vary in length from 2.5 centimetres to 25 cm or more if a platform sole is used, and are sometimes defined as having a diameter at the ground of less than 1 cm (slightly less than half an inch). Stiletto-style heels 5 cm or shorter are called kitten heels. Not all high slim heels merit the description stiletto. The extremely slender original Italian-style stiletto heels of the late 1950s and very early 1960s were no more than 5mm in diameter for much of their length, although the heel sometimes flared out a little at the top-piece (tip). After their demise in the mid-late 1960s, such slender heels were difficult to find until recently due to changes in the way heels were mass-produced. A real stiletto heel has a stem of solid steel or alloy. The more usual method of mass-producing high shoe heels, i.e. moulded plastic with an internal metal tube for reinforcement, does not achieve the true stiletto shape.

Is Stiletto Heels Good For Us?

No they are not. The heels have a small surface is and all the pressure is put on your toes. So it isn't that good

source: Wikipedia

Thursday, April 15, 2010 @ Tidal Waves Caused By The Moon.

Tides are created because the Earth and the Moon are attracted to each other, just like magnets. The moon tries to pull at anything on the Earth to bring it closer. But, the Earth is able to hold onto everything except the water. Since the water is always moving, the Earth cannot hold onto it, and the moon is able to pull at it. Each day, there are two high tides and two low tides. The ocean is constantly moving from high tide to low tide, and then back to high tide. There is about 12 hours and 25 minutes between the two high tides.

Friday, April 9, 2010 @ Absolute Zero
Absolute zero is the lowest temperature The laws of thermodynamics state that absolute zero cannot be reached because this would require a thermodynamic system to be fully removed from the rest of the universe. While molecular motion would not cease entirely at absolute zero, the system would not have enough energy for transfer to other systems. It is therefore correct to say that molecular kinetic energy is minimal at absolute zero.

oh hello.
Hello stranger, do you like potatoes? I oh-so-love potatoes, they give me high sensations. If you hate potatoes, neverminnd. So, go join the anti-potato-ians and hide in a corner if you want..

potato chips
My name is Samantha. This is the Ace Science Blog Thingy. No profanities, vulgarities, blah. Seriously.

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